Monday 20 February 2012

How Aida got involved with outdoors, community and conservation volunteerism...

Name: Aida T. A. Rahman

Date: 8th Feb 2012


Expedition Borneo 98I as host country venturer

Expedition Chile 03A as Asst Logistics Officer (Staff)

What are you doing now?

I am now working with a responsible tourism company Camp Borneo in Sabah as Camp Manager for our island camp, Camp Mantanani (

What has Raleigh meant to you?

Raleigh had opened my eyes and mind and eventually had given me an option to make a bold yet necessary change. I was trained in property and had been in the property consultancy division for 3 years before I had opted for a non pay leave to go on the Borneo 98I expedition. The experience was so overwhelming that I had been involved in outdoors, community and conservation volunteerism eversince. I picked up the courage to switch careers not long after my second expedition and have no regrets in doing so.

Despite wishing that I had discovered my true interest much earlier in life, I am glad with how things had turned out for me. Indirectly Raleigh had helped me pave my way to live my dream. A dear friend had shared this saying with me a while ago when I was uncertain, so remember this dear fellow Raleighians;

" its impossible.." says Reason

" its reckless.." says Experience

" its painful.." says Pride

but " Try.." says Dream

the challenge my friends, is to bring Dream to life!

(All photos by Aida)

1 comment:

  1. Aida, I admire your courage to follow your dreams. It's an amazing journey. And I agree, Raleigh has helped opened my eyes to so many things.
